About Us
We pride ourselves on offering the perfect blend of creativity, experience, and flexibility that makes us a top creative force in the industry. Our company was founded by over 25 year industry veteran, Brian Eimer in 2004. Brian has devoted his entire career to providing creative excellence in audio post production for TV, feature film, large format (IMAX) and special venue.

111 Peter Street, Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H1



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nextLAB now at ImagesInSound

nextLAB Dailies now available in Toronto

Innovative dailies processing, empowering productions to control, manage and enhance your next project. nextLAB by Fotokem - A product built on legacy. Nextlab is a powerful and impactful system for the future of filmmaking. The digitization of the dailies process allows for more efficient collaboration and decision-making, and its advanced color grading tools can enhance the visual aesthetic of a film. In our experiences we've seen expanding needs which is why nextLab includes automated sound sync, transcode, and distribution lists to name a few, allowing for flexibility to present your footage to those who need to review and comment. Multiple other processes, for example LUTs, can be applied in a totally non-destructive way, allowing DPs, editors and production execs to review footage and make creative comments before you get to post production. Connect with us to see what all of the hype is about - info@imagesinsound.com...

Sound Design for Special Venue

Images in Sound was founded by Brian Eimer in 2004. InPark Editor Martin Palicki asked Brian about the company’s audio post-production services and his work in the industry. First off, tell us a little about your expertise and what Images in Sound does.  I have over 20 years experience in sound design, designing for all genres of motion pictures, including themed attractions, ridefilms, IMAX films, features and television. I’ve done work for Chimelong, Wanda, Prana, SimexIwerks, and IMAX Ridefilm. I’ve also designed and installed sound environments at Oltramare in Italy, and Camoes in Portugal. "The on site mixing is one of the most important services we offer. Themed attractions almost always have unique speaker configurations. In order for the soundscape or sound design to have the most impact on the visitor, it’s necessary to be on site to make final adjustments.” Images In Sound is a sound design company that handles all the sound design needs of any attraction. We do SFX, music (if required), premixing, and on site mixing. The on site mixing is one of the most important services we offer. Themed attractions almost always have unique speaker configurations. In order for the soundscape or sound design to have the most impact on the visitor, it’s necessary to be on site to make final adjustments. One of your niches is special venue. But you also have done film and TV work. What are the unique elements of working in special venue?  Yes, I’ve done a lot of TV and a few feature films. What makes special venue really unique is that it doesn’t need to conform to standard speaker layouts. Because you’re designing for the speaker configuration you have a lot more creative freedom. I have just upgraded my facility to Dolby Atmos and IMAX 12, so that extended creative freedom is now finding its way into the mainstream, but with 27.1, or 26.2 speaker configurations you can have a lot of fun. You’ve done some work in Asia recently. Tell us about some of your recent international projects  In terms of Asia, I’ve done two projects for Chimlong: Alien Attack in Guangzhou, and Kaka’s Big Adventure...