About Us
We pride ourselves on offering the perfect blend of creativity, experience, and flexibility that makes us a top creative force in the industry. Our company was founded by over 25 year industry veteran, Brian Eimer in 2004. Brian has devoted his entire career to providing creative excellence in audio post production for TV, feature film, large format (IMAX) and special venue.

111 Peter Street, Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H1



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nextLAB now at ImagesInSound

nextLAB Dailies now available in Toronto

Innovative dailies processing, empowering productions to control, manage and enhance your next project. nextLAB by Fotokem - A product built on legacy. Nextlab is a powerful and impactful system for the future of filmmaking. The digitization of the dailies process allows for more efficient collaboration and decision-making, and its advanced color grading tools can enhance the visual aesthetic of a film. In our experiences we've seen expanding needs which is why nextLab includes automated sound sync, transcode, and distribution lists to name a few, allowing for flexibility to present your footage to those who need to review and comment. Multiple other processes, for example LUTs, can be applied in a totally non-destructive way, allowing DPs, editors and production execs to review footage and make creative comments before you get to post production. Connect with us to see what all of the hype is about - info@imagesinsound.com...

Vulture – Why The Dub Matters

We are excited to offer international dubbing services at ImagesInSound. As this part of the industry continues to grow and develop at a rapid pace, the importance for strong audio localizations has become a very critical part of the process. We're working with productions to find the best solutions in achieving the highest quality of dubbing for films, TV, and large format (IMAX). With different partners requiring different QC checks, our experienced team is happy to use our knowledge to walk you through all your requirements. Connect with us. (Director) Myers spoke with Vulture about being drawn in by Trachtenberg’s original all-Comanche vision for the film, the help she received from several Comanche language experts, and the frenzied four months they worked to turn around the dub in time for Prey’s August release date. We had to systematically include everybody in the dubbing process. Even the French characters, like Raphael — Bennett Taylor wanted to do his part in Comanche. He’s an amazing actor, and he did phenomenal speaking Comanche. In the movie, he is supposed to be speaking Comanche because he’s a translator. Everybody came in separately so we were stretched out, booking all the different studio times, but they all did a phenomenal job. ...

Brian Eimer Featured on The EGA Podcast

Telling Stories from the Clubhouse 101 This is the official podcast for the Entertainment Globalization Association, the largest trade association for the entertainment globalization sector. It's never been more important than now for content creators to take an active participation in how their stories are retold using the world stage created by OTT distribution. EGA wants to elevate the art form of “retelling” stories for global markets and help creators better understand and appreciate how these localization artists help them share their stories worldwide. A conversation with Brian Eimer on localizing for IMAX and other large-format immersive experiences. An expert in this unique niche of localization, Brian is an award-winning artist who knows how to use audio to "wow" audiences around the world.   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7fAL9of29SLpbZzMgPdR60 Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/15f1ae1e-f8c0-4a9d-b746-e6c151f7f1dd Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/telling-stories-from-the-clubhouse-101/id1607535836...