Toronto’s ImagesInSound Moves Up To Yamaha NUAGE DAW
Audio post-production facility, ImagesInSound in Toronto, Canada, purchased a 32-fader Yamaha NUAGE Advanced Production DAW System with master section for the facility’s largest dubbing stage.
Brian Eimer, studio owner, says he first learned about NUAGE through Steinberg. “I was planning an upgrade to Dolby Atmos in my main dubbing stage. I had attended an NAB Show in Las Vegas and arranged a NUAGE demo there. The system blew me away, and I knew then it would be the right fit.”
Eimer says the NUAGE system is working out great. “I’ve done two IMAX 12.0 mixes with it, and it was a dream. On the two projects, Extreme Weather and Mysteries of China, I was really able to create an immersive environment with NUAGE and Nuendo 7. I just received the Dolby Atmos panner update in Nuendo, and I’m looking forward to working with it.”
NUAGE replaces a Euphonix System 5 MC, the first sold in Canada “NUAGE has a BIG advantage over the System 5, the main reason being that it is fully integrated with Nuendo. Euphonix was bought by AVID (ProTools), and all support was discontinued. But beyond that, NUAGE is built for post, with a lot of functionality that is required in post and really easy to navigate.”
Eimer has been using Nuendo since N2 and is now using the latest version, Nuendo 8. “Nuendo is the best platform for audio post, and NUAGE being part of that platform, made the decision to purchase the system an easy one. The people at Steinberg have always gotten it right, including when they rebuilt the software in Nuendo 5 to make post a main focus.”
At the end of the day, Eimer says, “It’s just a tool, but the ease of navigation and getting what you want accomplished, is the best feature. I don’t want to go through menus, and pull downs and continually click to get to what I want to do, like other software. One button on the surface of NUAGE and I’m there, or I can just program it, it’s that easy.”
Used mainly for IMAX films, feature films, and special venue projects, NUAGE is being used daily on various projects, Eimer is planning to replace his System 5 MC in the main TV mix room with NUAGE sometime in the future.